Ok, I know many of you are interested in your ratings, other players' ratings, how much your rating went up or down and just in general are really ratings ranters. Well, here's a chance to see the schedule for the upcoming PDGA Ratings Updates for 2009, as posted by Chuck Kennedy on the PDGA Discussion Board:
"Here's the schedule we've worked out for Ratings Updates for 2009 events. We expect to see more than 1000 events this year so we've added two more full updates to the five per year we've been doing for quite a while. TD reports are due by the Thursday 12 days before these dates in order to make the update."
March 17 (includes Memorial)
May 19 (includes BG Ams)
July 14 (includes Am Nats)
Sept 1 (includes Worlds)
Oct 20 (includes Euro, Masters, USWDGC, USDGC)
Dec 15 (includes Players Cup)
Jan 26 (yearend final)
There will be a January 27th update this year and that is when you should see the 2008 Flying Pig results. They've got more results dates scheduled this year than in the past, so this should allow for more up-to-date ratings information. The one thing that does affect this is that TD's need to send their reports and payments in to the PDGA in a timely manner. This has been getting better over the years, especially with the ability to send in the reports and payments over the internet.
One thing I would like to remind players is that most TD's are volunteers and there is probably a lot more that they do and have to do that most of us never see and I do believe that most of them are doing their best to put on the best tournament they can and also to do everything they need to do in a timely manner. The fact is that sometimes things do happen that delay some of what TD's do. It may be personal issues, it may be simply forgetting, it may be they weren't completely aware of all that needed to be done as they just took over the TD job for that tournament to keep it going as it has for years. Sometimes people step up to do something like TD a tournament and it winds up being more than they thought it would or they don't have as much help as is needed. I could go on but I know people don't want to hear excuses - they want to see results. So, if you don't see the results you want, try respectfully talking to people in person about what you would like to see. I do think that once PDGA tournaments get to be more sponsored events and are more meaningful to those who may profit from them, then you will see more organized and efficiently run tournaments, including results and ratings being posted more frequently.
Now, I am not saying anything about any TD or tournament. I'm just stating my personal thoughts on the matter and about this topic in general.