Just want to say good luck to all those who will participate in the Lexington Open this weekend. Unfortunately I will have to miss again. I've had to miss this tournament the last several years and it has always been one of my favorites - great courses and great people. Thanks to Everett Lasley for his past events and thanks to Lyle McCoon for putting on the Lexington Open this year.
Also, I will miss competing against some of my good buddies, Bo Nash, Jeff Eades and Jack Fouts. Those are just a few of my good buddies and we always have a good time playing together and competing.
Good luck to Disc 'n Dat sponsored players Liz Shooner, Jeff Eades and Matt Blakely.
I just saw that another one of my good friends and World Champion Johnny Sias is going to be there. Someone say Hi to Johnny for me!
I see that Lexington has a picture of Strohs - Mark Stottlemeyer - on their website and this is a picture of him here. I really liked Strohs and hope you all have a moment of silence for Strohs at the tournament. He was always good for a laugh. He apparently passed away a few weeks ago and we will miss him.
For more info about the Lexington Open.
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