Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Players Cup

The Players Cup is ready to begin tomorrow. From the Players Cup website: A Disc Golf Championship Unlike Any Other... There are top level disc golf championships, but none offer the experiences you'll find at the Players Cup. Shoot against the best players in the world on a pristine championship course. Stay at a luxury resort. Commune with manatees and other exotic wildlife. Try scuba, go boating. Bring your family, Orlando is near. You'll make memories to last a lifetime when you immerse yourself in Florida's amazing Gulf Coast in late November...

Here's a link to the Resgistered Players List and round one teetimes.

The Red Hawk is a permanent disc golf course that sits alongside and amidst a pampered ball golf course at Florida's luxurious Plantation Inn. You'll find plenty of water (and gators, so think twice about going after an errant drive), palm trees, manicured fairways, and punishing shule.
I'll try to update here with scores, etc.

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