Ok, I'm going to start giving you a fun question. I will do them daily or every few days if I can. No, it's not about disc golf. It's just a fun thing that I used to start some of my team meetings with. They come from Zobmondo, a book one of my staff left me when he moved to St. Louis. I think they are really fun to think about and crazy. You have to choose one - you can't say I won't do either - you have to choose one! You can explain your answer if you'd like.
So, today's question is: Would you rather... Have frequent spurts of uncontrollable drooling or be a bedwetter?
FYI - Chewing cinnamon bark for a day is a common folk remedy for curing bedwetting.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
I love this game. Will make for a funny and good time this Christmas with the family.
This is tough. I'm going to say B. That is only b/c I am very much private on some stuff. I'd rather wet the bed and no one hopefully ever know than to be just anywhere and know at any moment I'd burst into uncontrollable drooling.
Course one has to weigh the additional thoughs. How much drool and how long does the condition carry on? Does it have a level of timing to it that you could just excuse yourself.
The drawback to wetting the bed is the obvious of are you married and the mental pain of knowing you still do what the avg 3 year old struggles with.
Ah to ponder the possibilites.
Yeah, I got the game last year for Christmas myself. I just love the possibilities that you describe. It makes you really think to have to come up with one of the choices. This is a hard one. I too have to go with the bedwetting. I would try to find ways to deal with it. That might be a little easier than the uncontrollable drooling in public. And hope my wife understands!
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